Saturday, February 28, 2009

colurs of language

hi everyone!
we had a language and ıdendifity lesson last monday.Imissed a little of this lesson but also catched the main part.we did some paper-works and then explain it in groups.Ifound this work is entertinng and creative,also working in groupsis getiin us closer:)but when we start ı couldn't understand what will we do and than our teacher showed us some examples so it was good for us.. Look at my work.
Turquise is sybolised Turkish.ıts our symbollic colur and you can see it on my all body it mean that I am Turk:)

Azerbaijanish is red because I feel hot to Azerbijan ,I can understand many things in azerbaijanish because this language is very similar to Turkish.It is also in my brain.

English is white because I feel happy speking English and white is happy colour in Turkey.

Orange is a language Which me and my brother use it for fun so its orange and in my stomach when I laugh I feel something in my stomach!
Brown is Danish becuse I smell coffe everywhere I gong in Denmark,its in my food couse now my food are pressing Danmark's ground and I touch Danmark'ss product with my hands:)

Sunday, February 22, 2009


We had an excursion to Aarhus on 10 february.It was really entetaining for us:)In the morning I got up very early cause our bus was leaving Haderslev at 7.50.And Iprepared my sandwiches (for lunch) I am getting accustumed this sandwiches ,fundamentally I eat warm lunch meals at Turkey but now I am in Denmark:))

We had a big excursion programme and we hadnt got much time so we must be quickly.First of all we went to Den Gamble Bay (old town) which is me and my team searched about it.The town has 75 historical houses.In the enterance you must pay your ticket price(happy of bein student again) My favourite house is in the middle and on the left its a teachers house and in the house you can see an old school,wood seats,a board which is made of sand (!) And sticks for writing the sand board.Also teacher lived in the house.

Then we went to a big cathedral which is the highest one in Danmark .Its attracted me and I tought about how did people do this cathedral.After cathedral we waalked around the city a little bit but it was very cold so, we went to ARoS immediately.

ARoS is a modern art museum. And I am a little bit regretfull of it because we must go there at the first becuse museum is really big and conteins beautiful art departments.But be honestley,the lowest floor attracted me very much,this floor is about electronic arts.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am ... because...

We talked something about I am .... because.... and I learned interesthing things about other nationalities..
I drink Turkish tea very much(in original cup)

I dont like speaking foreing languages in Turkey.

I kiss my old relatives hands in religional festivals

I will be very happy when a turkish do something well

Other nationalities

I am Hungarian because I paint easter eggs and kiss in the streets.

I am Belgiun because I only eat Belgium chocalate.

I am Spanish because I love sleeping

I am Polish becuse I complain.

I am Czech becuse ıI play music instruments.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

we went to Hertug Hans School:)

Yes,we(me,anja,carlos,mischa and vaclav) went to our first school experience to Hertug Hans (A Danish public school) at 5 feb.Thursday . It was so nice A teacher meeted us and we came in teachers room.Teachers room is same as a living room very comfartable and friendly.And we planned what we'll do.Me Anja and Carlos went with Rikke Hansen,who is a teacher of seven year old pupils.There were twentytwo pupils in the class.

1.We went to their normal class and the teacher asked to students "Which day is it and can you show it on the timetable?"

2.Teacher wrote day schedule on the board, then we went to upstairs for art lesson. Pupils did every interesting thins and then they drawed them.You can see in down.Art lesson takes 1.30 hours.

3.We had thirty minutes to eat something,pupil ate what they prepared at home like sandwiches,fruits and milk:)

4.Now they had Danish lesson they leran the letter "h".Theacher used many methods like question and answer,drowing and drama.
5.This topic is very important for me because this lesson is mathmatic.I'll be math teacher for 12-15 ages group in my country. But I choose to practice younger group cause of I dont feel confident about my English and curious about younger ones.Finally they were learning shapes like makin tangrams and some of them learning numbers transactions.Teacher didnt use force for their learnin maths its so good because pupil dont feel bored in math lesson.

6.They had a thirty minutes break to eat and breath fresh air :)

Finally the schools physical conditions as the same to Turkey,The behaviour of pupils is more indepedntly than Turkey.The intellectual of the pupils is the same.Teachers instructions isnt very same teacher are more bossy in Turkey .
Also I found something interesting for example the school have cooking class for students...
To be continued:)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Canan in Haderslev

"Welcome to my blog..."
Hi everyone! this is my seventh day far away from Turkey.I missed my family and own house already.But Erasmus course is getting better day by day.First of all we came to Haderslev very difficultly.I used train from Eskisehir( my home city) to İstanbul and then I met Zeynep than we Flied from İstanbul to Copenhag.And then we use two trains to go Vojens and We used the bus and (be patient!)last one we used taxı.. The first Day of the school we introduced ourselves and learn somethng about Danısh educatıon system. The second day we have ICT lesson and we learned to make a weblog(which is used for a diary or your learning steps) Learning new things is good for me I like it so...